Recent jobs

  Type:MTPE(Machine Translation Post-Editing)

  HT(Human translation)

  Field:news, scriptures in the Bible, adverts, etc.

  If you want to do the following jobs on our platform, you need to do the Certification Task which is like the role of the passport on this platform for all following official projects.

  It is rule of this platform and only you passed the certification, the system will be allowed to distribute tasks to your account.

  If you are interested in this, please contact the project manager by followings :

  Email:该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。

  By the way,

  Welcome to sign in and log in our working Website:

  Our later projects will upload on that, If you are interested in , please sign up with your email and log in to type your basic infors.
